Hundred years old castles, buildings with magnificent crafting, roads built for horse carriages and beautiful flesh like marble statues are on display in all major European cities and Milan is no exception.
Sforza Castle, about 15mins walk from the Duomo is worth a visit for all art lovers (or tourist who are sick of shopping!). For only €3, it gives you access to all the exhibitions including paintings, statues, furniture, armors, weapons and even modern artwork.
There are loads of paintings and the one shown below is one of the most important piece in the castle. (I am no art expert, but logic tells me if a painting is on display in a huge room all by itself, it must be pretty special!)
(On close inspection, you can see the left window is actually the Sforza Castle itself, how awesome is that?!)
Milan has a strong Catholic influence, therefore, most of the artwork in the castle is about "Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus". This particular painting was painted by Picault in 1758, who copied the painting which was originally painted by Leonardo da Vicci in 1515.
Even though it is not painted by Lenoardo da Vicci, it is still fascinating to look at.
A truly fascinating master piece we saw during this trip is this unfinished statue of "Mary and Jesus ". It is the last statue made by Michelanglo. Look at how rough it is at the top half of the statue and compare it with the flesh like leg at the bottom half of the statue. It really makes you appreciate the effort and the talent of the artist.
If you really don't want to pay the €3, there are live shows avaliable for viewing as well and the photo below is the "most viewed art" of the day! They are performing in the middle of the castle, you really can't miss it even if you want to.