The key to a good steam boat is the soup base. There are many ways to prepare the soup base. A common way is to use pre-made chicken stock from the supermarket and add vegetables in it to provide the sweet taste.
There is an easy way to make a good spicy soup base using Tom Yum Soup Paste (if you don't eat chilli food, then it is just too bad). Add a few table spoons full of paste to boiling water and off you go!
According to my friends, the Namjai brand is the only one that will give you the kick, so make sure you get the right one. Once the soup base is sorted, you can put whatever you fancy in it. Normally people put fresh meat, fresh vegetable and even fresh oysters.
But if fresh oysters are too hard to get or too expensive, frozen oysters are as good. In fact, I found that frozen oysters are even better for steam boat. By the time they are cooked in the pot, the centre of the oysters are only slightly cooked, therefore the texture and sweetness of the oysters stay.
Oooo sis..psychic man !! I was just was just looking up for a place to indulge myself w umlimited oyster !! We were going to an oyster farm in San Francisco..but somehow the farm was contaminated w some sort of pollutant ..n its all over my mind!!.. i odd to hv a big oyster feast this week no matter what
btw .. i hvn't seen frozed spinach .. how was the tom yam comapared w the one we had??
Which one? The one we had at home or the restaurant?
The Tom Yum is tasty and easy to make. The chicken tasted great without any marinade in the Tom Yum!!
Just love steam boat dinners in winter.
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